Arkansas Professional Photographers Association

Arkansas Professional Photographers Association

Fellowship Degree Program

APPA degrees recognize exceptional ability and services to professional photography and to this Association and shall be recognized by the awarding of degrees to individual members of this Association.

There are three degrees that the APPA can award to its members.  A degree shall become effective at time of presentation and shall remain in effect as long as the degree holder retains his/her membership in the Association.

The Degree of Associate Fellow of Photography (A.F.Ph.) shall be awarded to individuals who have been members of this Association for three or more consecutive years prior to making application for the Degree and who meet the requirements outlined herein. To qualify for this degree, the applicant must have at least 25 Credits, of which at least 10 must be Achievement Credits.

The Degree of Fellow of Photography (F.Ph.) shall be awarded to individuals who have been members of this Association for five or more consecutive years prior to making application for the Degree and who meet the requirements outlined herein. To qualify for this Degree, the applicant must have at least 50 Credits, of which at least 10 must be Print Exhibition Credits and at least 20 must be Achievement Credits.

The Degree of Senior Fellow of Photography (Sr.F.Ph.) is awarded to individuals who have been members of this Association for five or more consecutive years and who have successfully attained the degree of Fellow of Photography and who meet the requirements outline herein. A ribbon to be awarded after a total of one hundred credits of which at least sixty credits must be achievement credits. Senior Fellowship will be designated by a red and black ribbon. A bar will be awarded each recipient for each twenty-five credits earned above the Senior Fellow of Photography Degree.

Credits shall be earned as follows:

A. Achievement Credits shall be awarded for the service to the profession and to this Association. Credit shall be earned as follows:

1. For one year as Association President - 5 Credits.

2. For one year as Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Official Editor of The Tripod; Official Webmaster - 3 Credits

3. For one year as Regional Director - 1 Credit

4. For each 5 years of membership in this Association - 1 Credit

5. Talent or Print Judge at a recognized photography convention - 1 Credit

6. For hosting an APPA meetup 1 Credit

7. For each year as Print Chairman - 2 Credits

8. For a member of print crew, print rack crew or any committee approved by the Board as submitted by the board - 1 Credit

9. One year as Executive Secretary - 3 Credits

10. One year as Executive Director - 3 Credits

11. Seminar Chairman -1 Credit

12. For each article published in The Blog without illustration - 1 Credit, With illustration - 2 Credits (with a maximum of three credits per calendar year).

13. Attendance at three APPA sponsored events during a calendar year -1 Credit.

14. Attendance at recognized PPA affiliated educational facility - 2 Credits. (The following schools will be considered, but not limited to these schools: Winona, Texas School, etc., formal schools such as "PIT", "Brooks, and others will not be recognized). Members are to submit PDF copies of PPA merit certifications or attendance certificates for verification - maximum six credits per calendar year.

15. Members who have earned the following degrees: Master of Photography Certified Professional Photographer Photographic Craftsman Photographic Specialist or other degrees presented by PPA - 3 Credits

16. Delegates to PPA -1 Credit

17. Speaker at APPA Convention/Seminar - 2 Credits

B. Print Exhibition Credits shall be awarded for outstanding photographs in the Annual Print Exhibit of this Association.

1. Prints scoring 76-79 -1 Credit

2. Prints scoring 80 or above - 2 Credits (No more than 12 prints credits in any one year may be earned.) 

Recipients of Associate Fellow of Photography Degree

1995  Reba Adams

1995  JoAlice McDonald

1995  Robert Seat

1996  Tiila Relyea

1996  Keith Sturch

1997  Gary Cook

1998  Deborah Billingsley

1999  Tammy Belin

1999  Carla Cowling

1999  Trish Ferrell

1999  Bobby Jines

1999  Kim Murphy

1999  Lisa Sutton

2001  Keith Savall

2001  Jody Rhoades

2001  Stephen Kirk

2002  Ted Bigger

2002  Jerry Blansett

2002  Lisa  Cooper

2002  Joel Schmidt

2003  Melissa Smock

2004  Mark Hardgrave

2005 Mardy Stough-Ebgle

2005  Lori Brookshire-Parsons

2005  Wyona Jines

2006  Brian Roden

2007  Darrick Wilson

2008  Dodie Peterson

2008  Phil Hobby

2009  Bruce Allen

2009  Kathy Brookshire

2009  Holly Pace

2009  Barbara Raney

2009  Jennifer Schmidt

2009  JoAnn Seat

2010  Amy Bell

2010  Rebecca Hardgrave

2010  Tammy Leker

2014  Rebecca Peterman

2014  Michelle Posey

2015  Clark Sanders

2015  Kimberly McNabb

2016  Jeff Nemetz

2018  Ron Jackson

2018  Jeremy Jines

2018  Jason Lloyd

2019  Abby Malone

2019  Angi Gibbons

2019  Rebecca Williams

2021 Genevieve Townley

2021 Greg Owens

2022 Scott Head

2022 Jennifer Mullins

2023 Shauna Raduske

2023 Tim Donar

2024 Tony Gatlin

2008  Dodie Peterson

2008  Phil Hobby

Recipients of Fellow of Photography Degree

1995  David Huff

1996  Ralph Relyea

1996  Brandy Strain-Dayer

1997  Reba Adams

1997  Robert Seat

1998  Keith Sturch

1999  Gary Cook

1999  Bobby Jines

1999  Lance Johnston

1999  Tiila Relyea

2000  Tammy Belin

2001  Carla Cowling

2001  Deborah Billingsley

2002  Clark Cooper

2003  Melissa Smock

2004  Ted Bigger

2004  Jerry Blansett

2004  Trish Ferrell

2004  Joel Schmidt

2006  Brian Roden

2006  Mandy Stough-Engle

2007  Wyona Jines

2008  Darrick Wilson

2009  Jackie Strain-Mahar

2009  Lori Brookshire Parsons

2009  Dodie Peterson

2010  Bruce Allen

2010  Phil Hobby

2010  Jody Rhodes

2011  Rebecca Hardgrave

2012  Tammy Leker

2014  Kim Murphy

2014  Jennifer Schmidt

2017  Jeff Nemetz

2017  Amy Jones

2019  Jeremy Jines

2019 Ron Jackson

2019  Rebecca Peterman

2019 Jason Lloyd

2022 Clark Sanders

2022 Genevieve Townley

2023 Greg Owens

2023 Scott Head

2023 Mike Kemp

2024 Tim Donar

2024 Jennifer Mullins

2024 Shauna Raduske

Recipients of Senior Fellow of Photography Degree

1995  Marty Burlsworth

1995  Offie Lites

1995  Gary Meek

1995  Kathryn Meek

1995  Marty Sikes

1995  Michael Timmons

1995  Franklin Washburn

1996  Gary Alan Strain

1997  Don Nall

1997  JoAlice McDonald

1998  Ed Coyle

1999  David Huff

2000  Robert Seat

2000  Brandy Strain-Dayer

2002  Jim Cunningham

2002  Ralph Relyea

2003  Gary Cook

2004  Lance Johnston

2005  Tiila Relyea

2006  Joel Schmidt

2006  Melissa Smock

2007  Deborah Billingsley

2008  Brian Roden

2009  Tammy Belin

2009  Kevin Taylor

2011  Stephen Thetford

2012  Jackie Strain-Mahar

2013  Bruce Allen

2015  Darrick Wilson

2016  Rebecca Hardgrave

2018  Bobby Jines

2018  Wyona Jines

2018  Phil Hobby

2022 Jeff Nemetz

2023 Rebecca Peterman

2024 Greg Owens

Arkansas Professional Photographers Association
PO Box 1134
Beebe, AR 72012
(501) 941-1509
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