Arkansas Professional Photographers Association
Mark your calendars for July 19th -21st and register now for Capture '24, A
Click here to book your hotel room NOW!
This Years Speaker Lineup Includes:
Josh Hanna - Unconventional Seniors
sponsored by McKenna / Rebooku
Alison Carlino - Lighting and Posing / Families / Weddings / Children / Sports
sponsored by Millers
Teri Whittaker - Flowers to Fine Art
Chris Fritchie - The Magic of Santa / The art of selling Fine Art Children's Portraits
sponsored by H&H color lab, Intuition Backdrops, The IPAC, Lead Savage
Colby McLemore - Headshots Unleashed, a comprehensive guide
Brad Barton - Imagination Captured (Making AI work for you)
Gena Tussey - Stop Adulting and Start Playing; The joy of self projects
P.O. Box 1134, Beebe, AR 72012;